Securitisation of Health Logos

Medact, Design & Strategy

Worked with the Securitisation of Health Group to create logos alongside training content. These were digital drawings made to support Medact’s educational content and stood as pictorial warning around impacts of Prevent Duty. Each logo visualised a part of the appeal, using questions as prompts for conversation about Prevent’s validity.

The British Government’s counter-terrorism strategy Prevent was extended to healthcare in 2015. This means that healthcare bodies are legally obliged to respond to “the ideological challenge of terrorism” under the guise of “safeguarding”. This has caused well evidenced harm to those from Diasporic and Muslim communities, and, thus, Medact’s Securitisation of Health Group have been collectively working to repeal the Prevent duty in the NHS.

Medact has produced some educational guides with the support of these logos. See their ‘Prevent in Healthcare: Mutual Support Guide’ below. Download Link.

Moreover, Medact has also produced an online event series called Alternative Training on Prevent, which worked in conjunction with the #EndPrevent campaign. I championed and supported this by creating fliers for the events and using our Prevent logos.

To learn more about Prevent and what Medact’s Securitisation of Health Group is doing to tackle it, check out their FAQ here.